Friday, May 22, 2015

Down another size, snacking to success!

Four months into my bodybuilding figure competition training, and I'm down another size and still have room in the new size! I've increased my NET calorie intake on workout days, increased the amount of weights and reps on my four day weight training schedule, still sticking to my 3 miles 3 days a week AM cardio regimen, and the rate of progress is surprising.

Still eating three meals a day with three snacks in between meals. One of the keys to success is to choose those snacks wisely.  The first Monday in April, I quit eating refined starches and foods with sugar as an added ingredient.  I've found some very good snack alternatives, and they really help me suppress those cravings in between meals. I just add a fresh fruit to any of these, and I have a healthy and fulfilling snack to get me through.

Read the labels, and find some alternative snacks that you feel you will enjoy. Remember, no sugar listed as an added ingredient, and try to stick with unrefined grains.  If you need help, get in touch: 

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Bodybuilding Figure Competition Training Four Months Progress!

I decided to overcome my fear of doing a bodybuilding figure competition, and officially started training on January 20, 2015. Four months later, and I have seen great improvement. I've lost 10 of my goal of 13lbs, and my midsection, hips and legs are reshaping well.

Front progression from January to May 2015

Side progression from January to May 2015

Will start working out with a PT in June and really concentrate on toning, and building up my back and leg muscles. Getting excited about competing in the NPC Mid-Atlantic Classic in Charlotte October 24th:

Friday, May 15, 2015

The "Four" Pillars in Action!

AMPS Lifestyle Change May 2015 Newsletter talks about 
the four pillars to a stable life:

1. Mental  2. Physical  3. Spiritual  4. Social

In recent months, I've really tried to focus on improving in each of these areas.

Everyday is not the same, but most days are better than they used to be.

Make your daily regimen and stick to it as best as you can, then make sure to have one day of rest, a break from your normal routine.

Never forget, "Exercise changes your shape, but...
Eating 'right' changes your size!"

Read the newsletter for more information:

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


In this month's newsletter, we focus on the "four pillars" of a stable life:

1. Mental - eating the "right" way helps with our mental health
2. Physical - what we eat also affects our physical health
3. Spiritual - spiritual health is crucial to our overall well-being
4. Social- socializing with people is vital to our social well-being

Our Nutrition & Wellness is greatly improved when we make sure our Mental & Physical health, and Spiritual & Social well-being are taken care of also!