Thursday, February 27, 2014


The AMPS Lifestyle Change March 2014 newsletter is out!  We discuss the importance of eating less C.R.A.P. and eating more F.O.O.D.!

Gradually eliminate:
C - carbonated drinks
R - refined sugars
A - artificial sweeteners & colors
P - processed foods


Consume more:
F - fruits & vegetables
O - organic lean proteins
O - omega 3 fatty acids
D - drink water

The newsletter goes into more detail about the C.R.A.P. to eliminate.  As far as the F.O.O.D. to consume, good sources of omega 3 fatty acids are:
- select seafoods, specific oils, beans, nuts & seeds, spinach, winter squash, broccoli & cauliflower, omega from fish dietary supplements.

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