Friday, September 21, 2018

10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY! On to the next things...

Well, it's been 10 years, and this will be my last blog post for 
AMPS Lifestyle Change...

Over 10 years ago, I was 210 lbs and I'm 5' 10" tall, wearing size 18-20 and determined to lose 45lbs and get into size 12-14. In just 8 months, I reached my initial goal by October 2008 but soon found out that if I continued to eat "right" and exercise, the body will naturally go where it's supposed to be. My maintained weight ended up being 155lbs +/-, 55lbs lost and size 8-10 maintained for the past 10 years!

With improved health and conditioning, I was able to work towards and achieve many of my personal physical goals - running again, even completing four half marathons; weight training, and actually getting down to 135lbs to compete in a body building figure competition; and competing and placing in a master's track and field event, my first time since grade school...

There are a few things I didn't get to do because of weather cancellations and other life events, but I still plan to participate in a Duathlon and go Rock Climbing in the mountains in the near future, along with doing more traveling. Not bad for 49! And, the original size 9 "goal" shorts still fit...

I don't know what the future holds, but I know Who holds the future, and we are going to continue this lifestyle change journey of eating "right" and exercising as long as He blesses me with long life, health, strength and a sound mind!

I encourage each of you to do whatever you can to improve your overall health and well being. I didn't do anything you can't do:
 - there is no substitute for water, drink lots of it; 
- research foods and what each food group does for the body; 
- use calorie calculators to determine your daily nutrition goals or consult with a nutritionist; 
- create a meal plan that works best for you based on getting the daily recommended servings that you need from each food group; 
- get moving, walking is a great place to start.

"Exercise changes your shape, but eating 'right' changes your size"! #AMPSLifestyleChange